Now what? We were just delivered news that our unborn baby needs heart surgery. It's scary. We can't be the only ones. My quest began to find other mothers that have gone through what we are about to endure. I have always been one to want to educate myself as much as I can on a subject that is personal to me.
Although congestive heart defects (CHD) aren't very rare, there are so many variations of different defects that can make certain cases more rare than others. I wasn't sure if I would be able to find someone with our same diagnosis. I searched and searched. I was able to find a group of moms on a website that have children with CHD. Although many have different diagnosis their journeys are similar. It helped to read their stories and positive outcomes, it helped me to be more optimistic.
It also lead me here. To this blog. I've never read as many blogs as I do now. I wanted to be a part of the coping process so I decided to write about our journey in hopes it will help ease someone's anxiety that are going through the same thing.
Not only that, but between my husband's large family and our group of friends, I figured this will be the easiest way to keep everyone updated.
Our next appointment is May 21 with our high risk doctors along with a more in-depth ultrasound to be sure there arent any other issues as sometimes CHD is associated with other defects. We then meet our new doctors.
11 weeks to go before we meet our little warrior.
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