Now, we are basically "on call". We do not have another set date, we just wait until we get a call that there is an open bed, and we go. The scheduler I spoke with informed me that the surgeon is going out of town next week, so the earliest we may possibly get a phone call would be the week of the 14th.
It's hard to mentally prepare for something like this, and it's even harder to have that preparation fall to pieces. Now, without having a date, we never know when we will have to drop everything and go. I honestly, feel like at this point, its better. Rather than being given another date to look forward to, and then to have this happen again. Now, I know when I see my phone right with that lovely area code, I know it's time.
So, our bags are packed. We will be ready when they call. I cannot live in this bubble anymore, so I can only hope that Logan is in good health (no colds, or fevers) when we get the call. I will update more whenever I know anything, but as of right now, I won't know anything until I get a phone call that a bed is open.
As always, thank you all for your continued love and support!
keeping you in our thoughts and prayers that all goes well- you are stronger than you know