Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cardiology Appointment

Today was Logans first cardiologist appointment since coming home. He did excellent.

His sats were 85% which is right where they want them. His blood pressure was great and his lungs sounded perfect. We were told we could discontinue his Lasix medication, as he shouldn't need it anymore. The doctor was thrilled with how good he looks.

Unfortunately at this time it is too early to get an idea of what is next. The doctor mentioned a procedure called 'The Glenn Procedure" which I have read about previously. It is another shunt procedure, and not a permanent fix. But whether or not they will do it is just a theory right now.

They expect that his next surgery will be within 8-10 months. We go back in 4 months for another checkup. Everyone seems very pleased with his progress. He just needs to gain weight now!

I also wanted to add that we welcome visitors! We just ask that if you or your kids are sick that you wait until you're feeling better. A simple common cold can land Logan in the hospital rather quickly. Thank you in advance.


  1. great news Shannon I saw a picture of him last night and he's just beautiful and looks amazing - continued prayers and hugs

  2. Hi. I found your blog through another hlhs blog. I'm so glad to hear your son is doing so well! My HLHS baby is just a couple days older than Logan. If you want, our blog is

    Many hugs and prayers to you and your family. <3
