Friday, August 7, 2015

Great strides

As you know I am home with Corbin. He is doing great being back home. I'm managing but it's hard to be away. Logan is doing great!  They removed his wound vacuum early because they say it was healed up just fine. I am ecstatic but I saw a picture that I will share and I am worried about the top of his incision being very far apart still and resulting in a large scar. (If a scar is all I'm worried about right now, we're doing good.) He is off 2 of the major medications for his heart and he is managing just fine without them. He is weaned down to 40% on oxygen and they have been weaning his nitric over the last two days. He's down to 4% now. Going from 5% to 0 is the trickiest they say. So they lower it 1% every hour. But once he is off the nitric and keeping his o2 saturation up on his own he can be taken off the ventilator. They are shooting for Sunday. We are very excited. They put in a nasal-gastric (ng) tube so he can start eating. They give him small amounts of my breastmilk every 3 hours. Big big strides for my little guy and he is doing better than I ever thought possible. I thought for sure we'd have a set back or two already but he's too tough. My updates aren't as specific because I am not there getting all the information myself and I have to rely on my wonderful husband to keep me updated. What I know, you know. If anything new or exciting happens, you'll hear about it. Thank you all again for your t&p, well wishes and sharing our story.

1 comment:

  1. great news Shannon- glad to hear Logan is doing so well- you must be very torn having to be apart from him but being home with Corbin is great for you- sounds like Logan is a tough little guy- will continue to keep all of you in our thoughts
